3 Sheet Metal Fabrication Tips For Auto Shop Owners
If you work with vehicle customization and auto body repair, you will need to gain some familiarity with sheet metal, so that your customers get the highest quality material. Rather than simply placing orders with sheet metal fabrication shops, you should inform yourself of the process and some guidelines, in order to empower yourself and to better serve your customers. With this in mind, consider these points and use them for any project you are dealing with.
#1: Make Sure That The Scrap That You Acquire And Have Your Metal Fabricator Use Is The Same Thickness As The Sheet Metal
Since welding is one of the key types of sheet metal fabrication, it is critical that you select the right type of material to help you through the process. With this in mind, one of the key steps you can take is to acquire scrap metal that has the equivalent thickness of the finished product that you are hoping to receive. Be sure that your amperage level is doubled as well, in order to properly account for the welding that must be handled when you look to fabricate a set of sheet metal.
#2: Understand Some Of The Key Sheet Metal Fabrication Processes That You Seek From Professionals
In order to be sure that you're able to construct sheet metal, you should understand the various processes that you can undergo in order to get your finished product. Some key examples of sheet metal fabrication include TIG welding and MIG welding. TIG welding is powered with non combustible machinery, gives you welds of superior quality and features lesser amounts of distortion than you can expect with other process. MIG welding utilizes wired electrodes and is key with uniformity and very low maintenance in terms of post fabrication cleaning. You can partner with sheet metal fabrication shops that have years of experience in order to learn which type of process might work best for you.
#3: Know The Cost Of Sheet Metal Fabrication
You will need to get plenty of estimates to know for sure how much you can expect to pay for sheet metal fabrication. A basic guidelines suggests that it will cost you approximately three times the cost of the steel material itself. This means on average, you might expect to pay between $1,200 and $1,500 for a finished product, along with a coat of primer.
Follow these three keys and use them to get the sheet metal fabrication that you need.